We are proud to announce that Global Vietnam Lawyers has been honored with prestigious nominations by Asialaw in their 2024 Rankings in recognition of our exceptional work and dedication across key practice areas. Our firm has been nominated in the following categories:
Firm Rankings:
- Corporate and M&A
- Dispute Resolution
In addition, we are thrilled to share that our Managing Partner, Mr. Nguyen Gia Huy Chuong, has been individually recognized in the Lawyer Rankings for his outstanding expertise in Corporate and M&A. This acknowledgment highlights his leadership and unwavering commitment to providing innovative legal solutions.
These nominations are a testament to the hard work, professionalism, and trust that our clients and peers place in us. We remain dedicated to delivering excellence and setting new benchmarks in the legal industry.
Find information more here:
Firm Rankings: https://www.asialaw.com/Firm/global-vietnam-lawyers-vietnam/Profile/1528#rankings
Lawyer Rankings: https://www.asialaw.com/Firm/global-vietnam-lawyers-vietnam/Profile/1528#lawyers
Contact Us:
Email: info@gvlawyers.com.vn
Tel: +84 28 3622 3555