VTV6 phong van Luat su Le Quang Vy

VTC16 interviews Lawyer Le Quang Vy on the topic of Intellectual Property

Partner of GV Lawyers – Mr. Le Quang Vy shared his opinion from a legal perspective on the case of trademark protection registration “ST25 rice” in Vietnam.

At the beginning of May 2021, Mr. Le Quang Vy shared on VTC16 Television about the issue of international trademark registration, related to the story of trademark protection “ST25 rice” being public attention. Lawyer Vy said that “International trademark registration has been clearly regulated by the Intellectual Property Laws of countries in general and Vietnam in particular, however, there are still many Vietnamese businesses that do not care or realize the importance of trademark registration. Registering an international trademark costs us only a few thousand dollars, while without registration, if a dispute occurs, the loss is not a few thousand dollars but a few tens to several hundred thousand dollars.”

To learn more about the interview, please visit the video clip below:

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